Action Today. Healthier Tomorrow.

Chronic diseases are the leading cause of death and disability in the United States. They are also the most costly and preventable diseases. Eating well, exercising and limiting alcohol use are ways to lower the risk of diseases like heart disease, stroke, cancer, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and arthritis. Drinking too much alcohol causes 88,000 deaths each year, with more than half of those from binge drinking. Binge drinking is more than 4 drinks within 2 hours for women, and more than 5 drinks within 2 hours for men (Center for Disease Control).

Each year the Substance Use and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) organizes National Prevention Week to raise awareness about the importance of substance abuse prevention and positive mental health. The theme this year is “Action Today. Healthier Tomorrow.” It is a reminder that simple, daily acts of prevention, like helping a friend make positive choices or supporting a family member in need, can lead to healthier lives for each of us today, and stronger, happier communities tomorrow.

Join National Prevention Week’s social media challenge. Write a letter or draw a picture to your future self about how today’s choices will ensure a healthier and happier tomorrow. Post your letter on social media with #DearFutureMe to be a part of the challenge.

For more information:

Rutland offers a lot of healthy activities that can be started today. Rutland Regional Medical Center sponsors free and low cost wellness education classes and programs every month. Some programs include Couch to 5K, Tai-Chi for Beginners and Lower your Stress the Write Way. The Community Health News is a bi-monthly publication that lists resources in the Rutland community including classes, events and support groups.

For more information and a schedule of wellness programs and classes offered in May, visit:

The Partners for Prevention is a community network dedicated to sustainable substance abuse prevention efforts for Rutland County youth and young adults. Stay connected by liking the Partners for Prevention on Facebook:

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